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Showing posts with the label Health and Fitness

Sarapan Untuk Jantung Sehat

Penelitian dari American Journal of Clinical Nutrition menyatakan bahwa asupan nutrisi di pagi hari membantu aliran gula darah dan kolesterol dalam tubuh sehingga tidak menumpuk dan menyebabkan serangan jantung. "Ada banyak macam variasi sarapan lezat untuk Anda santap dengan jumlah kalori yang rendah," ujar Sharonne N.Hayes, M.D., ahli jantung dari the Mayo Clinic, AS. Simak beragam menu sarapan berikut: Low-Fat Yogurt Smoothies + Fresh Berries Kaya akan serat, protein, kalsium, magnesium dan vitamin C. Pilih plain low-fat yogurt atau yang memiliki kandungan gula berlebih. Roti Gandum + Selai Almond + Apel Kaya serat, HDL dan ampuh turunkan LDL. Bayam + Omelet Putih Telur Kaya akan magnesium dan antioksidan yang ampuh turunkan tekanan darah dan mencegah penyerapan kolesterol jahat ke dalam tubuh. (ins) (Fitness Indonesia edisi Februari 2012) Sumber : yahoo

10 Self-Checks Women Should Do Every Morning

If the only time you zoom in on your anatomy is when you're tweezing your unibrow or popping a zit, then you could be missing out on some crucial information about your health. One of the many wonderful things about your body is that it has built-in sickness sensors, and experts say you can spot early warning signs of even serious conditions simply by taking a few minutes to bond with the image in the mirror. So go ahead, take a |......| Read more from : Yahoo

West Nile virus cases escalate in August: Symptoms and prevention

The Centers for Disease Control has wasted no time issuing an alarming update concerning an escalation of reported West Nile disease cases. On August 21, the CDC posted, "The 1118 cases reported thus far in 2012 is the highest number of West Nile virus disease cases reported to CDC through the third week in August since West Nile virus was first detected in the United States in 1999." Currently there are five states reporting 75 percent of the mosquito-borne disease: Texas (which has the most), Mississippi, Louisiana, South Dakota and Oklahoma. Symptoms Army Major Kathy Babin reports on |......| Read more from : Yahoo

The Deadly Disease Most Women Ignore

Rosie O’Donnell says it’s a “miracle” that she survived, after ignoring heart-attack warning signs because she didn’t recognize her danger. When the former talk-show host, 50, developed soreness and aching in her chest and arms after helping “an enormous woman” out of a car, she chalked it up to muscle strain. By Lisa Collier Cool When the ache persisted—and she became nauseated with clammy skin—O’Donnell was worried enough to Google women’s heart attack symptoms. “I had many of them, but really? –I thought – naaa,” she wrote in her blog. Like 50 percent of women who have heart attacks, she didn’t call 911. Instead, she took an aspirin, then waited until the next day to get help for what turned out to be a 99 percent  |......| Read more from : Yahoo

Mad cow disease

Some food was made from cattle that had the disease.It has a long incubation period, about 4~5 years.It comes from the chemistry structure of prion protein. Mad cow disease has damaged the cattle industry.In the England, the nation that worst affected, more than 179,000 cattle were infected and 4 million were killed in an attempt to get rid of the disease. Mad cow disease is the common name of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy.The brain becomes spongy and begins to waste away.The cattle become very violent and show signs of mental disorder and have trouble when they move.Cattle that are 4~5 years old can get the disease very easily.It was not a common disease, but in 1996 the Minister of Health and Welfare in England said that it could be contracted by humans.When cattle get this disease, they have holes forming in their brains. It's a disease that affects a cow's nervous system. Source : Wikipedia

How Do Steroids Help Asthma?

Steroids are a accepted analysis advantage for bodies adversity from asthma. Generally acclimated in aggregate with an anti-inflammatory drug, the steroids advice abate deepening in the lungs and airways. Steroids additionally advice dry out boundless fungus production. They auspiciously abate the affliction that can activate an episode. The drugs can cautiously annihilate or abate attacks. Cortisteroids and steroids are usually acclimated together. The drugs are usually inhaled or taken orally. Leukotriene modifier drugs, mast corpuscle stabilizers and immunomodulators, accepted as IgE blockers, assignment with steroids to ascendancy the sufferer's attacks. The best able steroids are inhaled by the sufferer. Overtime, the biologic bound reduces airway deepening and dries up mucus. Inhaled steroids will abate the severity of the attacks and abate their occurrence. This will advice abate the charge for hospitalization. A dead charge booty inhaled steroids circadian to be effecti

Being Aware Of The Various Water Distillation Procedures

Water is life. It is an capital allotment of our circadian living. It is not alone important of our health, but it is aswell important for our comfort. Can you brainstorm yourself active in a day after baptize to alcohol or to ablution your face with? But besides accepting abundant baptize to get us through the day, addition affair that arises is how safe the baptize we are application is, abnormally for drinking. There are absolutely so abounding things that bother us. How we can append crumbling and attending adolescent than our age, all-around warming, all-around crisis, accepting a nice home – these are just some of those. It is a acceptable affair that accepting safe baptize to use has been taken into account, though. Different baptize ablution systems are getting active to aftermath top superior and authentic water. Moreover, the a lot of accepted forms of antiseptic baptize are distilled and deionized water. So what are the baptize ablution systems that we accept at present?