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Best Football (Soccer) Clubs in the World -

Dalam situs, pemilih (voter) dapat memberikan komentar tentang pilihannya di kategori yang bersangkutan. Salah satu komentar diungkapkan pemilih Persib Bandung.

"PERSIB not just a football club, but PERSIB flesh and blood has become a tradition that the West Java & Bandung send down from the grandfather, grandmother, parents and children. Persib will always be in our hearts no matter what happens we will always support PERSIB.

(PERSIB bukan hanya sebuah klub sepak bola, tetapi daging dan darah persib telah menjadi tradisi turun temurun di Jawa Barat & Bandung yang diturunkan dari nenek kakek, orang tua dan anak-anak. Persib akan selalu di hati kita apa pun yang terjadi kita akan selalu mendukung PERSIB.)"

Best Football (Soccer) Clubs in the World -


  1. Best football clubs in the world

    Football is arguably the world's most popular sports and it is played and loved in over 200
    countries. Every football fans have his/her own best football clubs and every football fan defends their own favorite football club no matter how good or bad their favorite football club could possibly be and that's an ugly fact of every football fans. That being said, football clubs hold a very special place in the hearts of every die-hard football fans.
    So, here are some of the best football clubs
    1. Real Madrid
    2. Barcelona.
    3. Manchester United.
    4. Bayern Munich.
    5. Liverpool.
    6. Chelsea.

    This is sole based on their recent club history and for more details read here


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