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Showing posts with the label Health and Fitness

Wanita Pendiam Cenderung Dingin, Perempuan Energik Libidonya Selalu Membara

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Saat seorang wanita dirundung stres, umumnya gairah bercinta mereka menurun bahkan hilang sama sekali. Ternyata, memang benar, gairah seksual wanita dipengaruhi oleh suasana hati dan kepribadiannya. Seperti yang disarikan oleh   Women’s Health,   pada jurnal   Sexual Medicine   dirilis informasi yang mewartakan bahwa wanita dengan kepribadian   extraversion   (ceria, bersemangat, dan aktif), memiliki gairah seksual yang lebih meletup-letup dibandingkan mereka yang memiliki pribadi tertutup. Selain itu, organ intim mereka diketahui berfungsi lebih efektif. Lebih lanjut, ditemukan bahwa wanita tertutup dan pendiam memilih keinginan bercinta yang rendah dan mudah padam. Maka dari itu, para peneliti menyarankan wanita dengan kepribadian seperti ini untuk meminta bantuan profesional, dan berkonsultasi mengenai bagaimana cara menghadapi gangguan pada fungsi seksual. Penelitian ini melibatkan 50 responden wanita untuk diwa...

Sirsak Obat Kanker yang Disembunyikan Khasiatnya Oleh Pihak Farmasi

Di negara kita sendiri buah Sirsak atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya ‘Soursop’ (latin: Annona muricata) dikenal dengan berbagai sebutan yaitu nangka sebrang, nangka landa (Jawa), nangka walanda, sirsak (Sunda), nangka buris (Madura), srikaya jawa (Bali), deureuyan belanda (Aceh), durio ulondro (Nias), durian betawi (Minangkabau), serta jambu landa (di Lampung). Penyebutan “belanda” dan variasinya menunjukkan bahwa sirsak (dari bahasa Belanda: zuurzak, berarti “kantung asam”) menandakan bahwa buah ini masuk ke Indonesia pada masa pemerintah kolonial Hindia-Belanda menginfasi Nusantara pada abad ke-19. Padahal, buah dan daun Sirsak (Graviola) berdasarkan hasil sejumlah penelitian, mampu membunuh sel kanker yang kekuatannya sepuluh ribu kali lipat lebih ampuh dibanding terapi kemo. Diam-diam pabrik obat terbesar di Amerika melakukan riset buah yang di Brazil disebut “Graviola“, di Inggris “Soursop” dan di Spanyol “Guana Bana” ini. Namun besarnya biaya riset membuat penem...

Madu dan Kayu Manis | Ada Apa ?

Berikut ini daftar sejumlah penyakit yang dapat diatasi dengan madu dan kayu manis. Menurut Weekly World News semua itu telah diteliti oleh ilmuwan Barat. 1.    Arthritis (radang sendi). Ambil 1 bagian madu dan 2 bagian air suam-suam kuku. Tambahkan 1 sendok teh kecil bubuk kayu manis. Campur madu, air suam kuku dan bubuk kayu manis. Pijat ke bagian                                                                                                         ...

Olahraga Kurangi Resiko Kanker Payudara

INILAHCOM, Jakarta- Perempuan yang berolahraga selama satu jam sehari bisa mengurangi risiko terkena kanker payudara sebesar 11%. Peneliti Perancis meneliti lebih dari 37 hasil penelitian yang melibatkan empat juta perempuan. Mereka menemukan, perempuan dari segala jenis usia dan berat badan memiliki manfaat yang sama dari olahraga. Termasuk mengurangi risiko kanker yang paling agresif seperti kanker payudara. "Ini semua adalah studi melihat hubungan antara latihan fisik dan risiko kanker payudara yang telah diterbitkan sampai saat ini, sehingga kami yakin bahwa hasil analisis kami yang kuat," kata Profesor Mathieu Boniol, Direktur Riset di International Prevention Research Institute di Lyon, Perancis. Ia menambahkan, kanker payudara sebagai kanker yang paling agresif yang umum menyerang perempuan, yang bisa dicegah dengan aktivitas fisik. Seperti bersepeda, lari atau bahkan hanya berjalan-jalan. "Ini adalah semua yang membutuhkan biaya rendah, ...

Makan Strawberry Bisa Menurunkan Kolesterol Secara Alami - Strawberry dapat memberikan manfaat besar bagi tubuh kita. Buah merah yang manis dan asam ini terbukti bisa menurunkan kolesterol jahat secara alami. Hasil penelitian terhadap strawberry ini bisa jadi kabar gembira bagi Anda yang sedang berjuang menurunkan kolesterol jahat. Penelitian dari Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) di Italia menemukan bahwa relawan yang mengonsumsi strawberry segar selama sebulan mengalami hasil cek kolesterol yang lebih baik. Kadal LDL atau kolesterol mereka rata-rata turun hingga 8,78 persen dan trigliserida turun rata-rata hingga 20,8 persen. Sedangkan jumlah kolesterol baik yang menjaga kesehatan jantung tidak mengalami penurunan, dilansir oleh . Selain menurunkan kolesterol jahat, mengonsumsi strawberry juga dapat membuat tubuh lebih sehat secara keseluruhan, karena strawberry mengandung vitamin C dan antioksidan. Dalam penelitian lain, disebutkan bahwa strawberry juga melindungi tubuh dari radia...

Tips Cara Paling Sehat Dalam Menyeduh Teh - Teh adalah minuman yang baik bagi kecantikan dan kesehatan. Mengonsumsi teh dapat membantu menjaga daya tahan tubuh, menghindarkan dari segala macam penyakit, menyehatkan kulit dan lain sebagainya. Kandungan polifenol di dalam teh dikenal sebagai zat antioksidan yang dapat melindungi tubuh dari penuaan dini serta radikal bebas. Namun, teh yang menyehatkan adalah yang dikonsumsi dengan cara yang benar. Inilah cara yang benar menyeduh teh: 1. Seduh teh dengan air panas Pastikan agar Anda tidak menyeduh teh dengan air mendidih. Gunakan saja air panas agar zat antioksidan di dalam teh tidak rusak. Seperti halnya menyeduh susu, diamkan sejenak air yang sudah dididihkan. Disarankan menyeduh teh adalah dengan suhu 60-70 derajat celcius. Mungkin warna tehnya tak sepekat biasanya, namun antioksidannya efektif bagi tubuh. 2. Gunakan bahan khusus Pakailah tempat khusus berbahan tanah liat, cangkir, gelas kaca, perak atau stainless steel untuk menyeduh ...

Kulit Pisang yang banyak manfaatnya

Dalam kulit pisang ternyata juga mengandung vitamin, mineral serta serat yang tinggi. Tidak hanya buahnya, pada kulit pisang mengandung karbohidrat, mineral, lemak serta protein. Kulit pisang juga memiliki sifat anti  jamur dan menghasilkan antibiotik. Bahkan kulit pisang memiliki zat pemutih alami. Maka kulit pisang banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai treatment alami bagi masalah kulit. Inilah beberapa manfaat kulit pisang serta cara pengaplikasiannya : Masker Wajah Alami Zat pemutih dan antioksidan pada pisang membantu kulit wajah terlihat bersih dan bercahaya alami. Untuk menjadikan kulit pisang sebagai masker wajah caranya  cukup dengan menggosokkan kulit pisang pada wajah agar serat-serta pada kulit pisang menempel di wajah. Kemudian biarkan selama semalam penuh. Bilas dengan air hangat di pagi harinya. Mengobati Jerawat   DREAMERSRADIO.COM Bila jerawat terus membandel, kulit pisang bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif alami untuk mengobatinya. Kul...

Sarapan Untuk Jantung Sehat

Penelitian dari American Journal of Clinical Nutrition menyatakan bahwa asupan nutrisi di pagi hari membantu aliran gula darah dan kolesterol dalam tubuh sehingga tidak menumpuk dan menyebabkan serangan jantung. "Ada banyak macam variasi sarapan lezat untuk Anda santap dengan jumlah kalori yang rendah," ujar Sharonne N.Hayes, M.D., ahli jantung dari the Mayo Clinic, AS. Simak beragam menu sarapan berikut: Low-Fat Yogurt Smoothies + Fresh Berries Kaya akan serat, protein, kalsium, magnesium dan vitamin C. Pilih plain low-fat yogurt atau yang memiliki kandungan gula berlebih. Roti Gandum + Selai Almond + Apel Kaya serat, HDL dan ampuh turunkan LDL. Bayam + Omelet Putih Telur Kaya akan magnesium dan antioksidan yang ampuh turunkan tekanan darah dan mencegah penyerapan kolesterol jahat ke dalam tubuh. (ins) (Fitness Indonesia edisi Februari 2012) Sumber : yahoo

10 Self-Checks Women Should Do Every Morning

If the only time you zoom in on your anatomy is when you're tweezing your unibrow or popping a zit, then you could be missing out on some crucial information about your health. One of the many wonderful things about your body is that it has built-in sickness sensors, and experts say you can spot early warning signs of even serious conditions simply by taking a few minutes to bond with the image in the mirror. So go ahead, take a |......| Read more from : Yahoo

West Nile virus cases escalate in August: Symptoms and prevention

The Centers for Disease Control has wasted no time issuing an alarming update concerning an escalation of reported West Nile disease cases. On August 21, the CDC posted, "The 1118 cases reported thus far in 2012 is the highest number of West Nile virus disease cases reported to CDC through the third week in August since West Nile virus was first detected in the United States in 1999." Currently there are five states reporting 75 percent of the mosquito-borne disease: Texas (which has the most), Mississippi, Louisiana, South Dakota and Oklahoma. Symptoms Army Major Kathy Babin reports on |......| Read more from : Yahoo

The Deadly Disease Most Women Ignore

Rosie O’Donnell says it’s a “miracle” that she survived, after ignoring heart-attack warning signs because she didn’t recognize her danger. When the former talk-show host, 50, developed soreness and aching in her chest and arms after helping “an enormous woman” out of a car, she chalked it up to muscle strain. By Lisa Collier Cool When the ache persisted—and she became nauseated with clammy skin—O’Donnell was worried enough to Google women’s heart attack symptoms. “I had many of them, but really? –I thought – naaa,” she wrote in her blog. Like 50 percent of women who have heart attacks, she didn’t call 911. Instead, she took an aspirin, then waited until the next day to get help for what turned out to be a 99 percent  |......| Read more from : Yahoo

Mad cow disease

Some food was made from cattle that had the disease.It has a long incubation period, about 4~5 years.It comes from the chemistry structure of prion protein. Mad cow disease has damaged the cattle industry.In the England, the nation that worst affected, more than 179,000 cattle were infected and 4 million were killed in an attempt to get rid of the disease. Mad cow disease is the common name of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy.The brain becomes spongy and begins to waste away.The cattle become very violent and show signs of mental disorder and have trouble when they move.Cattle that are 4~5 years old can get the disease very easily.It was not a common disease, but in 1996 the Minister of Health and Welfare in England said that it could be contracted by humans.When cattle get this disease, they have holes forming in their brains. It's a disease that affects a cow's nervous system. Source : Wikipedia

How Do Steroids Help Asthma?

Steroids are a accepted analysis advantage for bodies adversity from asthma. Generally acclimated in aggregate with an anti-inflammatory drug, the steroids advice abate deepening in the lungs and airways. Steroids additionally advice dry out boundless fungus production. They auspiciously abate the affliction that can activate an episode. The drugs can cautiously annihilate or abate attacks. Cortisteroids and steroids are usually acclimated together. The drugs are usually inhaled or taken orally. Leukotriene modifier drugs, mast corpuscle stabilizers and immunomodulators, accepted as IgE blockers, assignment with steroids to ascendancy the sufferer's attacks. The best able steroids are inhaled by the sufferer. Overtime, the biologic bound reduces airway deepening and dries up mucus. Inhaled steroids will abate the severity of the attacks and abate their occurrence. This will advice abate the charge for hospitalization. A dead charge booty inhaled steroids circadian to be effecti...

Being Aware Of The Various Water Distillation Procedures

Water is life. It is an capital allotment of our circadian living. It is not alone important of our health, but it is aswell important for our comfort. Can you brainstorm yourself active in a day after baptize to alcohol or to ablution your face with? But besides accepting abundant baptize to get us through the day, addition affair that arises is how safe the baptize we are application is, abnormally for drinking. There are absolutely so abounding things that bother us. How we can append crumbling and attending adolescent than our age, all-around warming, all-around crisis, accepting a nice home – these are just some of those. It is a acceptable affair that accepting safe baptize to use has been taken into account, though. Different baptize ablution systems are getting active to aftermath top superior and authentic water. Moreover, the a lot of accepted forms of antiseptic baptize are distilled and deionized water. So what are the baptize ablution systems that we accept at present?...

Advantages involving Leisure time as well as Recreation

Eventhough it might not seem to be therefore, in reality, Discretion and Adventure will be the largest field on the globe. Some great benefits of enjoyment plus adventure as an significant part of living are really easy to see. As an field, it includes a range of linked work and creates quantities of us dollars in revenue. Employees in theme parks in addition to excitement, area businesses, athletics firms, youngsters progress businesses, non-profit agencies, rehabilitate in addition to healthcare facility agencies, the journey and also enjoyment businesses most make use of and also gain from recreational areas along with fun facilities entire world-wide. Further benefits associated with amusement and fun incorporate enviromentally friendly enhancements out of increasing inexperienced spots, rewards, and personal full satisfaction added benefits. There are lots of civil great things about leisure time plus adventure pursuits. Athletics and also junior actions offer you leadership g...

The fresh Fibromyalgia Drug: Lyrica

A fresh fibromyalgia syndrome pill labeled Lyrica has end up being the primary FDA okayed fibromyalgia syndrome medication as well as treatment method. The new fibromyalgia (FM) medicine generally known as pregabalin is only accessible for individuals older than 17. Even so, currently scientific studies are staying executed about identical sorts of a drugs for those folks under the age of 19. Lyrica can be considered to impact the lack of feeling cells inside fibromyalgia sufferer's brain which often sometimes is what will cause the actual increased emotions involving ache. That brand-new fibromyalgia drugs displays evidence of getting the most notable medication with regard to cutting down the results of fibromyalgia as the only other options would be discomfort relievers, get to sleep inducers, muscles relaxants, and much more. The brand new fibromyalgia syndrome pill in addition has revealed wonderful brings about clinical tests that those who have been tried knowledgeable...

Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil [VCO]for Health

Virgin Coconut Oil [ VCO ]: • Increases energy and stamina of the body • Kills fungi and yeast that cause candida, jock itch, ringworm, athlet's food, diaper rash and other fungal infections. • Reduces and heals chronic inflammation • Protects the body from breast, colon and other cancers. • Turning off the bacteria that cause pneumonia, earache, throat infections, dental cavities, food poisoning, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gonorrhea, and various diseases due to infection. • To prevent and cure heart disease atherosclerosis, stroke, and hypotension. • Improve calcium and magnesium as well as support the development of strong bones and teeth. • Anti-oxidant, anti-cancer and anti HIV / AIDS • Preventing tooth decay and periodontal pain • Increase the weight reduction (obesity), prevents premature aging and wrinkling of the skin and increase youth. • Healing the liver, gout, hepatitis C, harpes, epilepsy, eczema. • Increases resistance to pathogenic bacteria ...

Fascinating Background - Aspirations and Their Meanings

The world of ambitions can often be rich in question, puzzle, desire, rumours and perhaps anxiety. We can easily arise at a wish sensation hopeful, renewed plus happy. Nonetheless we are able to also up from a dream sensation aggravating, nervous and in many cases afraid. Sigmund Freud's landmark do the job "Decryption of Wishes" introduced the significance of thinking and it is research in to the lead, nevertheless folks have been inspecting dreams since way back when before of which. People obtained superstitious notions about its nighttime thoughts: "that is feasible for the reason that My spouse and i believed rrt had been going to take place" Beyond doubt, considering person has become qualified to relate, they may have considered around the concept of their particular aspirations. Data involving dream model go as far back in order to 3000-4000 B . c . if desires were written about about corpse products. Quite a few sub cultures would not distinguish be...

Find Out How To To give up smoking Now

There are wide ranging valid reasons to stop cigarettes. That may become the health and fitness, it may become very expensive, or that may even become to regain some self-control. Whatever ones reasons tend to be people could have a help and advice that you actually need about the best way to be able to quit smoking coming from some sort of trained, knowledgeable authority. By using a straightforward online programmes, uncomplicated books, tobacco clinics, and also various other cigarette smoking methods a person may turn into non-smoker and also currently have a healthy lifestyle. Your qualified therapists associated with stop smoking clinics way too might give anyone useful tips on exactly how to help to give up smoking through some sort of combination associated with methods which in turn include psychotherapy, hypnotherapy plus much more. This methods used are generally safe plus side effect free, your approach will be simple nonetheless effective plus is actually sure in order t...

Discover These Stop Smoking cigarettes Benefits

Tobacco can be detrimental in order to health and this is certainly one assertion that's been designed continuously. Quick grown timbers . several warnings that are sent by means of advertising, a lot more people remain on the market tobacco throughout lack of education or in complete rebelliousness about the can perform its everyday life a whole lot of excellent. On the other hand there are some those who would really want to rid independently from the bad habit of smoking cigarettes but you are however to help mobilise this braveness to use the first vivid move. Giving up smoking begins with a pace and also this is a attitude. With the good perspective in the direction of giving up smoking smoking, the task is one half carried out. While it is true of which giving up smoking of cigarettes might be a hard a person, there are plenty of positive aspects people who smoke will certainly delight in once they realize your aspirations in doing the work. To give up smoking advantages ma...